Elysium : Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), 141 years after ;)

September 5, 2013

Elysium : First of all, i’ve loved the movie..

But as i’m not the best cinema critic you will have, i will get straight to my point.

It made me smile when i saw theses scenes in a movie which scenarii takes place in 2154  :

Building exploit using ring0 mode

Assembly didn’t change a bit..

Compiling rop exploit using “pack” function..

Anyway, this is far from the bullshit we often see in movies like, hummm.. Die Hard.. Numbers..


  1. codingSloth says: 04/11/2013

    Haha nice one 🙂
    you should look at the movie Antitrust then, in that movie the “cool code” is just an example of a basic webserver in Java 🙂

    • admin says: 05/11/2013

      🙂 ! ‘will definitely give a look that !

  2. th3y3t0r says: 05/01/2014

    At the end scene the exploit is set to corkscrew and rhost is similar to msfconsole.

    Apparently ipv4 is still in use as well.

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